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Imtiaz Ali and Paul Perkin

Manchester Meet dedicated to the late John Lowe

Popular wrestler John Lowe was remembered with great affection at the latest Fight Finder Manchester Meet.

The Meet was held on Saturday, 16th February, 2019 and provided an opportunity for the wrestlers to recall memories of times with John, who was a mentor and encourager to many and remembered for his good sense of humour.

John working on his latest production with GBW in 2018.

John sadly passed away a few days before the Meet.Here is a link to other Blog, announcing John’s sad passing and comments from people who knew him. Imtiaz Ali's blog - the comments have been passed to John’s family. matworker was able to attend this meeting. It was his first in the last year since his crippling illness. He has announced he will try and attend others and intends to carry on the Grapevine Meets. A regular attendee, latestarter sent: "Thanks for letting me know (and thanks for continuing to organise these events without which I would probably struggle to get much wrestling)" Thanks, that's why we do these meetings. The next Fight Finder Manchester Meet will be on Saturday 30th March, 2019, 2pm to 6pm.

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